Magnetically Centrifugal Pumps, Filters & Filterhousings and Accessoires

Search and filter for magnetic centrifugal pumps that exactly meet your requirements. Whether made of stainless steel, PP or ETFE, whether normal or self-priming. Here you will find exactly the pump that meets your performance requirements.

Magnetically Centrifugal Pumps
The safe operation of conventional centrifugal pumps with wear-prone shaft seals requires a high level of technical and financial effort, especially for highly aggressive media or media with a tendency to crystallize.

Filters & Filterhousings
SONDERMANN filters are used to remove organic and inorganic impurities from aggressive and neutral liquids by depth and surface filtration. They are mainly used in electroplating technology ...

For the MAGSON pumps we offer you different accessory components and
options so that the pump exactly meets your requirements.
Available are among others - Frequency inverter individually or mounted directly on the pump ...