Construction of our magnetically centrifugal pumps made of PP/ETFE
The advantage of seal-less, magnetically coupled centrifugal pumps: hermetically sealed and maintenance-free.
MAGSON - Operating principle
As conventional centrifugal pumps are equipped with mechanical shaft seals liable to wear out, it is very difficult to run them safely incurring in particular a lot of technical efforts and high expenses when delivering highly aggressive fluids or fluids tending to crystallize. Apart from that, the maintenance work required at regular intervals considerably reduces their availability for operation.
Magnetically coupled pumps without shaft seal, however, have the advantage to be hermetically sealed and maintenance-free.
The driving magnet rotating on the outside transmits the motor power contact-free to the inner magnet and the impeller (see figure below). So there is no need of a continuous shaft nor a wearing-out seal between shaft and motor. Instead, a rear casing hermetically seals the pump chamber from the driving motor. As a result, any leakage is impossible and the pumps do not require any maintenance.
MAGSON sets the standard of safety
MAGSON magnetically coupled centrifugal pumps even go one step further: Their sturdy design and a series of smart details further enhance their resistance to highly concentrated acids and bases, ensuring more safety when operating in critical circumstances. In addition to non-self priming MAGSON (MA) pumps, there are also self priming pumps of the MAS type available. They are mostly used when pumps are placed above fluid level for safety reasons, eg to deliver toxic or environmentally hazardous fluids out of double-shell tanks.